Cost Optimizer for Amazon Workspaces is not returning the correct number of Workspaces even though it can see all the Workspaces


I installed Cost Optimizer for Amazon Workspaces last week and I am ironing the kinks out. Here is the issue. I have 140 Workspaces, The Optimizer Dashboard shows 140 workspaces, but the data in the billing mode doesn't reflect 140, but rather 118. Where are the other 22 Workspaces? See image.

I have investigated the missing Workspaces and there does not appear to be anything special about that that would prevent them from being included. What am I missing?

2 Answers

Hi there, 😅

Here are a few potential reasons and solutions for this discrepancy:

Inactive or Suspended WorkSpaces: Check if the missing 22 WorkSpaces are in an inactive or suspended state. Cost Optimizer may not include these in the billing mode calculation if they are not actively incurring costs.

Billing Cycle Timing: The billing data may not be fully up-to-date if you're looking at a time when billing cycles or updates are processing. It might be worth checking back after some time or verifying when the last billing update occurred.

Filters and Exclusions: Review the Cost Optimizer's configuration for any filters or exclusions that might be applied. It's possible that certain WorkSpaces are being filtered out based on specific criteria, like tag exclusions or region settings.

Data Sync Issues: Ensure that the Cost Optimizer is fully synchronized with your WorkSpaces environment. There might be a delay or issue in data synchronization that is causing the discrepancy.

If none of these suggestions resolve the issue, I would recommend reviewing the Cost Optimizer logs for any errors.

I hope this helps! 😁

answered a month ago
  • I am using the metrics that came with the solution. Those metrics correctly show the total number of Workspaces. The problem is that the application is not counting workspaces in a stopped state. It is supposed to count the number in each Running Mode. "Always_On" or "Auto_Stop". The point of the application is to identify the usage of the workspaces and change the running mode accordingly so as to be the most cost efficient on cost.


Thank you for your suggestions. I'll take a look at them.

answered a month ago

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