Asking about how to terminate game session


Hi everyone

I'm working on auto-scaling feature in GameLift. I think that it's possible for game session on gameLift not to be terminated even though no one is in the game session like the picture, below.


I'm just hypothesizing the case. Actually, it's a bug of my dedicated server in the picture.

So is there a way to terminate the game session forcibly in GameLift?

Any help is appreciated.

asked 5 years ago860 views
3 Answers

[quote="mskiller2000, post:1, topic:6931"] e in GameLift. I think that it’s possible for game session on gameLift not to be terminated eve [/quote]

Is it working as intended for the game session to continue even if no players are connected. You can either call TerminateGameSession or ProcessEnding after X seconds of no players being connected.

answered 5 years ago

I missed adding TerminateGameSession() or ProcessEnding after X seconds of no players being connected. I wondered that there was setting for empty game session.

Thank you very much.

answered 5 years ago
answered 4 years ago

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