I deleted my account but received a charge


I received a charge on my card, but I had already deleted that account a while ago so I couldn't access the console to see if something was still running, now I have a new account, how do I stop everything I was using before with account that I used in the past?

2 Answers

Most likely, you still have usage fees (like storage in S3, AMI backups or something similar) of some kind in the old account. Within 90 days of the closing of your account, you should still be able to login to the account and either find the services causing the charges (like via Cost Explorer or your Billing details). You can also open a support case within those 90 days from the account. After 90 days, any remaining resources will be terminated and you shouldn't be charged any further.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

When you close an AWS account, there is a post-closure period of 90 days where any running resources will continue to generate charges. During this 90 day period, you are able to login to the closed account to view billing information [1]. If you wish to delete any remaining resources, you will need to contact AWS Support to reopen the account [2], delete the resources, and close the account again. After the 90 day post-closure period, all resources/data will be removed, and no longer generate any charges.

[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/close-account.html#console-access [2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/close-account.html#accessing-after-closure

answered 2 years ago

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