Iot device sdk for embedded C


I want to test MQTT with iot device sdk with letest v3.1.5 But as tutorial present of google it is with old according tutorial thing is not working because as they suggested file is not present Kindly refer some tutorial for performing this.

I want to install this sdk on ec2 instances and want to perform Publish and Subscribe through mqtt with aws iot core. Guide me or refer some tutorial for this. before this I was following this tutorial

But it is not working for me.

We want to test with git V3.1.5

asked a year ago382 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I want to test MQTT with iot device sdk with letest v3.1.5

It seems my other answer was not clear. v3.1.5 is NOT the latest version. It is old, and no longer supported. You should not use that version.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Shared answer Hii again, We are following this tutorial We use following command done all steps successfully but in the end inside the build/bin/ mqtt_demo_mutual_auth

    this file not made. all command are same we have successfully added certificate. After executing make command not get any error. please resolve my issues.

    Till now we are not able to connect with aws mqtt iot core using iot device sdk


  • Hi Adarsh. You must follow steps 2 and 3 of that tutorial to build the mqtt_demo_mutual_auth binary.


Hii again, We are following this tutorial We use following command done all steps successfully but in the end inside the build/bin/ mqtt_demo_mutual_auth

this file not made. all command are same we have successfully added certificate. After executing make command not get any error. please resolve my issues.

Till now we are not able to connect with aws mqtt iot core using iot device sdk

thanksMake command outputWarning got after excuting cmake ..File is skiping after making cmake .. command

Git version 202211.00

answered a year ago

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