Update instance type of EC2 running SQL server


A customer is running SQL Server Standard 2012 on an i2.xlarge instance. He wants to upgrade to i3.xlarge and SQL Server Standard 2017.

Are there any issues with SQL server and changing the instance type?
Things like SQL expecting certain processor types or numbers?

IS this the correct steps for the upgrade?

  1. Stop the instance
  2. change the instance type to i3.xlarge
  3. start the instance
  4. upgrade sql server to 2017
asked 5 years ago959 views
2 Answers

AWS has also created System Manager Automation workflows to assist with the upgrade of SQL Server, the below documentation will provide more information: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager-automation-runbooks/latest/userguide/automation-awsec2-CloneInstanceAndUpgradeSQLServer.html

answered 3 years ago

Upgrading SQL Server and changing the AWS instance type generally doesn’t cause issues, as SQL Server doesn’t typically expect certain processor types or numbers. However, post-upgrade tuning may be required.

In particular, you need to stop the instance to prevent new connections during the upgrade. Change the instance type to i3.xlarge using AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDKs and start the instance after the instance type has been changed.

At the end Upgrade SQL Server to 2017 using the SQL Server Installation Center. Remember to backup all databases before starting the upgrade and ensure your system meets the hardware and software requirements for SQL Server 2017

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answered 3 months ago

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