Logging into Monitron App?


I've set everything up in AWS on my laptop, when I open up Monitron App on my smartphone, I'm prompted for a project invitation link. None of the links I have been emailed work, I've hit a wall. I can build machines on laptop, but i need to set up the phone for connectivity, anyone?

asked 2 years ago352 views
1 Answer

In order to use the Monitron app on a mobile phone you will need the project link. You can get this from the Amazon Monitron project page on the AWS console.

From here you can choose to copy the link under "Project link".

Console screenshot with red box around the "Copy link"  button

Or you can also select an Admin user and click "Email instructions" to send an email to that user that can be opened on the mobile phone.

Console screenshot with red box around the "Email instructions" button with a user selected

From there you can then open the link on your phone were you will be directed to the browser to enter your credentials. Once you have authenticated successfully you will see the screen below and be redirected to the Monitron app.

Authentication complete with a "Return to app" button and a box allowing the user to copy the authentication code.

If you aren't redirected to the Monitron app you can copy the authentication code and manually paste it in the Monitron app. Now you should be able to view your project through the Monitron app.

answered a year ago

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