Update Your Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora SSL/TLS Certificates


I have received two emails one for CA-Central-1 and the other for US-West-2 telling me to update these certificates. I understand what I need to do however when I go to these regions on the RDS page, it says that that I have database instances 1/40., same for clusters and that I have one snapshot. However when I click on those links there is nothing there.

I don't think that there is a filter on these pages not showing the databases but I cannot see anything. I know that for both of these regions I have DynamoDB tables and a DocumentDB database but I did not think that I had an RDS database.

Any help appreciated.

asked a year ago758 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


It is going to be your DocumentDB cluster, I tested in my environment and I have the same result, you should also show a DB Cluster of at least 1/40 in addition to your Database Instances. If you click on on it from the RDS Console it won't list anything, but they fall under RDS. Our documentation lists it as:

Amazon DocumentDB leverages operational technology that is shared with Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and Amazon Neptune. When using the describe-db-instances and describe-db-clusters AWS CLI APIs, we recommend filtering for Amazon DocumentDB resources using the following parameter: "--filter Name=engine,Values=docdb".


answered a year ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • OK, great to know. Thank you for the clarification.

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