AWS calculator errors when adding apostrophe to an EC2 description


I thought I was dealing with a new browser extension issue but it wasn't. I tried to create a new calculator estimate and added a couple EC2 instances with a description of "DC's". When trying to save, I get a "We have encountered an unexpected error in the calculator" and it fails to save. No link will show and it says to post it to this forum. If I just call them "Domain Controllers" then it saves just fine.

asked 5 years ago433 views
3 Answers

Hi ravishingluke,

I've looked into this and I was able to reproduce the issue you described. I have shared your findings with the relevant team to review and further address this matter.

In the mean time, please take a look our newer AWS Pricing Calculator which is being rolled out to replace the Simple Monthly Calculator. You can check out the new Pricing Calculator, here:

If you find any other issues with either of our calculators, please feel free to let us know by updating this Forum thread.

Thanks again for calling this out!

Kind regards,
Craig E.

answered 5 years ago

Nice...New toys. Thanks.

answered 5 years ago

Hi ravishingluke,

I just wanted to let you know that this had been fixed by our Simple Monthly Calculator team. Thanks again for bringing this up.

-Mickey N.

answered 5 years ago

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