I am trying to merge two iceberg tables using Athena but ran into error: "NOT_SUPPORTED: Iceberg table updates require at least format version 2". However, according to this aws documentation, Athena only supports iceberg v2 tables.
Here is the Athena query I am executing:
MERGE INTO new_db_test.dynamo_export AS target USING new_db_test.staging_table AS source
ON (target.id = source.Keys_id)
WHEN MATCHED AND source.event_name = 'REMOVE'
WHEN MATCHED AND source.event_name = 'MODIFY'
THEN UPDATE SET name = source.name, is_active = source.is_active, description = source.description, id = source.id
WHEN NOT MATCHED AND source.event_name = 'INSERT'
THEN INSERT (description, id, is_active, name, number, price)
VALUES (source.description, source.id, source.is_active, source.name, NULL, NULL)