¿Es posible activa la característica de performance insights de un rds que tiene una base de datos MySQL en AWS después de estar creada o desplegada en la nube? Como se puede hacer?


I have followed the steps in the AWS documentation, but I am unable to fulfill this requirement. I am using the AWS IAM administrator and I'm unsure why the "Enable Performance Insights" option appears disabled. I have checked that my AWS root IAM user has the following permissions: rds:DescribeDBInstances rds:ModifyDBInstance pi:CreateDimension pi:DescribeDimensionKeys pi:GetResourceMetrics

Interestingly, if I create a new AWS RDS MySQL from scratch, it allows me to enable this feature.

Is it possible to resolve this issue without creating a new RDS instance and without deleting the current one? The current RDS instance is an AWS RDS MySQL with the instance type t3.micro.

asked a year ago439 views
2 Answers

As described in this document, RDS MySQL Performance Insight is not supported by db.t3.micro and cannot be enabled.

So you need to change to a larger DB Instance Class or one that is supported.
DB instance classes can be changed using the methods in the following document, but note that there will be downtime during the change.

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answered a year ago

who should I contact because I don't understand anything anymore

answered a year ago

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