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Document DB - Enable Performance Insights



I am following steps mentioned here - to enable performance insights

Documentation mentions that, A. Apply immediately - This will also apply any pending maintenance item in queue (If require will also do restart) B. Apply during the next scheduled maintenance window - your instance ignores this setting and enables Performance Insights immediately

When I try to update through AWS Console and choose option Apply during the next scheduled maintenance window (as I don't want to apply any maintenance item in queue) it displays a message the settings that you are trying to change will get into effect during next maintenance window.

Can you let me know if I go with option B (i.e. Apply during the next scheduled maintenance window) will performance insights enabled?

Thanks in Advance

asked 3 months ago98 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


I started Document DB with my AWS account and tried it out.
I have confirmed that Performance Insights is enabled immediately even if you select "Apply during the next scheduled maintenance window".
As shown in the image below, the status changes to "Configuring-performance-insights" and performance insight activation begins without waiting for the maintenance window.
The instance status will change to "Available" in about a minute.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thank you it worked

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