Understanding AWS databases


Hello Experts, It's open ended one, I am new to AWS and being into mainly database background that to mostly Oracle in past and now trying to learn and work on the AWS databases(Aurora mysql, postgress, redshift , Dynamo etc.) what will be the best way to get the quick understanding of these databases and start working on these database technologies?

And I believe there exists AWS certification for database specialist too. So should I go for that or any pre requisite for that is needed like any other basic AWS certifications(AWS practitioner, AWS solution architect). Also if any recommended books or tutorials which will help in getting these certifications and quickly up to speed? Please suggest.

asked 2 years ago381 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

My suggestion would be to start here: https://aws.amazon.com/products/databases/learn/ .

It contains various free resources, trainings and tutorials that will allow to measure your current knowledge against the various DB engines.

Other sources to look into:

  1. SkillBuilders: https://explore.skillbuilder.aws/learn/external-ecommerce;view=none;redirectURL=?ctldoc-catalog-0=l-_en~se-rds
  2. Workshops: https://workshops.aws/categories/Databases. This will allow some self-paged hands on experience which always pays off.
  3. In term of certifications, if you are completely new to AWS I'd recommend at least starting with Cloud Practitioner exam. I'd then practice with above material for some months, until you get familiar with at least RDS, DynamoDB and Aurora. Consider to study some theory on Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/course/aws-certified-database-specialty-dbs/).
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answered 2 years ago

Hi, Even though there are no pre requirements for the certifications, it makes sense to start with Cloud Practitioner (as you are new to AWS), then Solutions Architect or Developer associate (they are similar) and finally the Certified Database - Specialty. I recommend you do one of the associated courses from https://learn.cantrill.io, they will give you a good understanding of databases and AWS in general.

answered 2 years ago

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