Can send but not receive email from AWS workmail.



I can send mail fine from workmail but I am unable to receive anything. When I try sending email to the account I created under my domain I recieve a response from mailer-daemon: "This message could not be delivered due to a recipient error. Please try again later.". All the records the domain verification in work mail are added to route 53 and verified. I purchased the domain through route 53.

asked 4 years ago3463 views
5 Answers

I was having an issue receiving and was using Thunderbird client but I didn't have an Inbound Rule set up for mine. I went to: Amazon SES > Configuration: Email receiving and opened my INBOUND_MAIL entry...

  • I duplicated a rule that was there that was working for another domain address I had and changed the unique rule id and ...
  • changed the organization "arn" identifier (in two places, I had an entry for WorkMail too) and...
  • enabled TLS and changed the name of Recipient condition (and deleted the aws auto-created one)

It took me through the wizard tool basically, and that worked for me.

answered 10 months ago


I'm sorry to hear you're having problems receiving mail. I took a look at your account and everything seems to be in order. I do see that the Inbound rule that is configured in SES has been altered to just your email address instead of your domain. This means that just your user can receive mail and that your domain will not work.

I recommend that you add your domain again in the WorkMail console (no need to delete it first) to set the inbound rule to the correct details.

Kind regards,

answered 4 years ago

I readded the domain, and removed the ses rule to just the one email address and it can receive email now, thank you!

answered 4 years ago

I ran into this same thing. Strangely, it was working yesterday, then started failing today. I happen to be sending automated outbound emails via SES, but using WorkMail to receive and manually respond to inbound emails on the same domain. So, for me, I think the issue was using the same domain in SES and WorkMail. To resolve it, I had to create an inbound rule in SES (same as one of the responses above) and then create an Action type "Integrate with Amazon WorkMail" using the organization ARN and all of that, same as the above response.

The WorkMail domains page (e.g. Amazon WorkMail > Organizations > [org name] > Domains > [domain name]) has a feature where it double-checks or creates all DNS entries for you. It seems like it could pretty easily detect if some of these DNS entries were set up with SES and add an info/warning box here that an inbound rule will be needed.

answered 5 months ago

shut this WorkMail down, it is a trouble for small businesses. selling something not functional properly.

answered a year ago

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