Convenient way to translate JSON email from SNS Topic to readable format?


Hi all, hope all is well!

I have a domain email address set up using the following architecture:

Incoming Amazon SES email -> Publish to SNS topic -> output is in unreadable JSON format.

I followed this guide to set it up, but there it seems the unreadable output is the final product.

Comments on the guide talk about using a script to translate this, but I'm lost on how to set it up, and it seems there should be an easier way to do this.

Does anyone have any recommendations for me?

2 Answers

Hi amarcin,

There are two options:

  • Use subscription protocol "Email" instead of "Email-JSON". It has same result but in clear text.
  • Send the notifications to a Lambda which can then send a formatted email via SES. For fan-out pattern and scalability, you could send to SNS->SQS<-Lambda
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answered 2 years ago

I suppose the answer to this question depends on what you want to do with the incoming email. If you need to be able to view incoming messages in an email client such as Outlook, keep in mind that Amazon SES doesn't have an IMAP server.

If you want to view incoming messages in an email client, I recommend that you connect Amazon SES to Amazon WorkMail. WorkMail does provide an IMAP server. You can connect your email client to the IMAP server to easily retrieve inbound messages in an email client.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you for that perspective! I think I'll take your idea and ditch the Lambda function idea and instead use WorkMail as the hosting IMAP server for an all-AWS architecture.

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