Redact (hide) content - Textract


Hello, I have a use case where we need to redact some of the content of invoices. The objective is to hide some of the content within the invoice, and the output is the invoice with some redacted fields, and the json with transcribed data

Is there any specific function to do this?

Thank you

asked 3 years ago1203 views
3 Answers

The blog here gives an example of you can redact certain content.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

High level, Amazon Textract will extract the text from a document (PDF, TIFF, JPG or PNG) and then you need Amazon Comprehend to identify the entity of the words.

answered 3 years ago

I'm one of the authors at Strac where we expose APIs and No-Code solutions to automatically detect and redact sensitive or any configured data. We do redact data in invoices (pdfs, docx, pngs, jpegs, etc.) and also expose APIs for that. If you are interested, please let me know and I can show you a demo. Thanks!

answered 2 years ago

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