Creating a live stream using MediaLive from the video chunks that are available in S3 using dynamic input


Currently, I’m working on a proof of concept to create a live stream from the video chunks that are available in S3. The filename will be in the format name_timestamp. With the help of the timestamp, I will be updating the schedule in MediaLive with dynamic input.

One small issue is that I don’t have a static input file in S3. So, MediaLive tries to fetch the static file with static input, and when the first dynamic input time is reached, it starts with the dynamic input. Everything is working fine except for a one-second blink in frames for the first two chunks and a crack sound during every input switch. When I try this with the static file available in S3, there is no blink, but I still hear a crack sound when it switches to the next dynamic schedule.

Is there anything I’m doing wrong? I even tried the same with input prepare. I want a smooth livestream experience. It would be great if I could get any suggestions from anyone.

asked 8 months ago703 views
2 Answers

An AWS MediaLive channel can not start with a dynamic input. Perhaps considering using a small static slate file that MediaLive starts with, looping on that input. Then schedule the switch dynamic inputs after the channel starts up. All dynamic source files should be in the same S3 bucket and sub-directory.

answered 8 months ago
  • Hi Mike, Thanks for replying. I used a static slate MP4 file to start MediaLive and then scheduled the switch using dynamic inputs. However, when the switch happens, I still hear a crack sound, similar to the sound an old CD player makes when it gets stuck for just a millisecond. It's not very noticeable, but if I listen closely, I can hear the switch happening. Is there anything we can do about this?


Hi, Have you considered transcoding your segmented video chunks with MediaConvert into HLS and using MediaTailor - Channel Assembly to create your Live Linear feed? The cost of using Channel Assembly is much cheaper than MediaLive.

answered 8 months ago

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