How to calculate approximate upload times with S3 Transfer Acceleration?

  • Acknowledging that with any of these calculations that follow, assumptions need to be made...
  • Using this formula: (Filesize in Mb / Upload Speed in Mbps) / (60) = Total Upload time in minutes
  • And remembering to multiply by 8 any file sizes that are in MB, GB, TB, to convert them to Mb, Gb, Tb

That tells us that uploading 1 GB at 100 Mbps upload speed would take ( (1 * 8 * 1000) / 100 ) / 60, or 1 minute and 20 seconds.

That's basically the amount of time for an end-user to upload it to the ISP's nearest POP?

After that, how do I reason about the time it would take for that 1 GB to make it from, say the internet in Germany to an S3 bucket in us-east-1 via Transfer Acceleration? (And is the answer the same for 10 TB?)

I'm aware of the transfer acceleration test page: But it doesn't list times. As far as I can tell, I'd just have to test this myself.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Latency is also a large factor in how long it takes to transfer data because of the additional time it takes for individual packets to be responded to. There has been a lot of work put into various protocols and applications to reduce the amount of back-and-forth but there is still (always) some.

My best recommendation here is to test because your environment (applications, tools, setup) is going to be different to that used by just about anyone else. Also be aware that there is always going to be variables that you can't control because the vast majority of the network (and other components) are shared. So do multiple tests to get an idea of the variance.

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answered 2 years ago

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