Custom flow with Textract Document Analysis


Would like to use Human review when analyzing PDFs however the current call does not have HumanLoopConfig property similar to analyze_document.
Is it possible to have a HumanReview with PDFs currently?

Edited by: Shipeci1 on May 6, 2020 4:10 PM

Edited by: Shipeci1 on May 6, 2020 6:53 PM

asked 4 years ago314 views
1 Answer

Thanks for reaching out. Amazon Textract currently only supports Sync Analyze Doc API for Human review. It does not yet support Human Review on PDF documents. As an interim solution you can consider splitting document pages into images and use the Sync Analyze Doc API.

We have taken note of your request and added this feature to our backlog. Various factors affect our feature release, and we are unable to provide specific release times at this point.

answered 4 years ago

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