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Why not try specifying "shared_credential_file" directly in the configuration file below?
From the error log, it seems that the credentials in "/root/.aws/credentials" cannot be opened, so creating and configuring a file in another directory may solve the problem.
I think the settings in the following document will be helpful.
This is the problem. I already have the shared credentials information in the toml file... Which of course points to the /root/.aws/credentials file. I would really like to move that file to some place more friendly, but SSM and CLI need it too, and they do not seem to have a mechanism to define a new path.
Hi Riku.
sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a start -m onPremise -c ssm:AmazonCloudWatch-linux-123456-v1
where 123456 is the config in the store
The problem with just copying the files is that SSM will rotate the credentials at some stage, and I lose connectivity for cloudwatch.
I would like to be able to tell SSM and CLI where to go for the credentials, but I can't find that option. In the meantime, I have change CloudWatch config to have run_as_user root and as cwagent, but it always gets overwritten back to cwagent. I have also added cwagent to the sudoers file, and that did not do anything either. It is almost like the reported error is not the actual error.
I also did a chmod 777 on the /root/.aws/credentials file to see if that would fix, but it did not.
We have quite a lot of remote devices, so creating and managing additional IAM User accounts would be prohibitive, and more complex than SHOULD be necessary.
Turns out, editing all of the json and toml files was pointless. The file that did the trick was found in
and the file was called
This was where editing the "run_as_user" = "root" solved all problems.
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Did you make sure to use root user when starting CloudWatch Agent as below? I think that if I add "sudo" to the command, the root user will be used to run the CloudWatch Agent, so I can use "/root/.aws/credentials".
What are the permission settings for "/root/.aws/credentials"? Can you confirm that you have read permission with the command below?
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