Amazon Q Developer workspace context not working in monorepo


We are working with a monorepo that includes three components: a JavaScript client (located in the client folder), a Spring Boot application (in the server folder), and Docker configuration files (in the docker folder).

When I enable the "Workspace Index" feature in IntelliJ, I notice in the idea.log that only the docker folder is being scanned.

Is there a way to resolve this, perhaps through IntelliJ configuration? Any suggestions or assistance would be appreciated.

asked 3 days ago20 views
1 Answer

1. Check Module Configuration

IntelliJ uses modules to understand project structure. You should ensure that each of your components (client, server, and docker) is configured as separate modules in the workspace.

Open Project Structure (File > Project Structure > Modules).

Ensure that the client and server directories are recognized as separate modules. If they aren't, you can manually add them: Click the "+" button to add new modules.

Choose Import Module and select the pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle) file in the server folder and package.json in the client folder.

2. Check Source Directories

IntelliJ might be indexing only the docker folder if it thinks the others are not relevant.

Right-click on the client and server folders in IntelliJ’s Project View.

Select Mark Directory as > Sources Root or Resource Root (for Spring Boot resources).

Ensure that no folders in the client or server directories are mistakenly marked as Excluded. You can check this in the Project Structure > Modules section.

3. Invalidate Caches and Restart

Sometimes, IntelliJ caching issues can lead to incomplete indexing.

Go to File > Invalidate Caches / Restart.

Select Invalidate and Restart.

4. Check idea.log for Clues

If you continue to see only the docker folder being indexed, check the idea.log for more specific errors.

Go to Help > Show Log in Explorer.

Look for any warnings or errors related to workspace indexing.

5. Reconfigure the Workspace Index

You can try resetting or customizing the workspace indexing feature:

In Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S), go to Languages & Frameworks > Amazon QLDB > Workspace Index.

Review any folder exclusions or include/exclude patterns.

Try resetting it by disabling and re-enabling the feature.

6. Consider Project Configuration Settings

Ensure the project configuration reflects the monorepo structure correctly:

JavaScript client: Ensure Node.js or relevant JavaScript framework support is enabled.

Spring Boot: Ensure the Spring Boot plugin is active and recognizes the server folder as a valid module.

answered 3 days ago
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reviewed 2 days ago
  • Thank you for your prompt response!

    I believe I've identified the issue within the IntelliJ plugin. In ProjectContextProvider.kt at line 152, the plugin calls project.guessProjectDir(), which returns only the first directory it finds.

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