Is cross-collection search supported on OpenSearch Serverless?


We use the cross-domain search functionality in Opensearch domains, which allows us to create connections between domains and use the Opensearch cross-cluster search feature to execute a single query with results returned from each domain.

Then we could run queries (with aggregations) against multiple domains by including comma separated connection aliases in the index name ("connection-alias:index" as each remote index name):

      "query": {
        "match": {
          "user": "domino"

Is there an equivalent feature in Serverless that lets you search across multiple "collection" indexes with a single query?

Could we use multiple collection name aliases the same way instead of the domain connection aliases?

1 Answer

As of today (05/04/2023) OpenSearch serverless doesn't support cross collection search. OpenSearch serverless will support cross collection search in future.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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