Being billed for canceled LightSail


Hi! I never used my LightSail service. So I deleted all attached resources and the LightSail Instance. Yet I just got another bill for about $3, and am advised by the system it'll be the same price next month. Does anyone know how I can figure out what I'm being billed for an cancel it? Thanks.

asked 10 months ago234 views
1 Answer

Go to the billing dashboard for your account and pick last month's bill

Scroll to the foot to see what you are being charged for - this will break it down per-service and per-region within that, make sure there aren't other instances running in other regions that may have been overlooked.

Make sure you have no backups or snapshots of previous Lighsail instances. While the instances may have been terminated any storage consumed by backups and snapshots will still be chargeable.

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answered 10 months ago

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