Amazon Linux 2 Apache package version update



As we have been working on Amazon Linux 2 for a couple of years now, we have noticed that it's sometimes slow when it comes to releasing new version updates on packages. For example currently the latest Apache version is 2.4.52 (there has been 2 security vulnerabilities fixed CVE-2021-44224 and CVE-2021-44790) and yet the latest available version is 2.4.51. Therefore I wanted to ask:

  1. Is there any estimate on when the latest Apache version will be available for installation on Amazon Linux 2 default repo?
  2. How can we install the latest Apache version on Amazon Linux 2, so that we don't have to wait for the Amazon Linux 2 team to make the latest version available? Obviously we don't want to install it from source, as we want to still manage it using yum package manager.

Thanks in advance for your help!

asked 3 years ago1273 views
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answered 3 years ago

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