Got error when create new Scheduler with EventBridge: "The execution role you provide must allow AWS EventBridge Scheduler to assume the role"


Hi all, I am trying to create a new scheduler following this article But I face the error when confirming at the final step: "The execution role you provide must allow AWS EventBridge Scheduler to assume the role" Do you have any idea how to fix the missing permission?

The execution role you provide must allow AWS EventBridge Scheduler to assume the role

asked a year ago3392 views
5 Answers

Hi there, yes I already added trusted entities like this, but still got the error when creating the scheduler. added trusted entities

answered a year ago
  • Can I set it up by changing aws:SourceArn as follows?

  • Hi there, tried update aws:SourceAccount as your suggested, but still got the error "The execution role you provide must allow AWS EventBridge Scheduler to assume the role."

  • Is the "condition" part absolutely necessary? If it is not needed, it can be deleted.


An execution role is an IAM role that EventBridge Scheduler assumes in order to interact with other AWS services on your behalf. You attach permission policies to this role to grant EventBridge Scheduler access to invoke targets.

Please see a reference example for the same :

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Yes, followed the doc for both "Create new role" or "Use existing role" but still stuck with the error "The execution role you provide must allow AWS EventBridge Scheduler to assume the role."


This can occur when there is no "sts:AssumeRole" in "" in the trusted entity of the execution role that was set when creating the EventBridge Scheduler.
Check to see if the following entities are set up.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": ""
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
profile picture
answered a year ago

I gave up and switched to Google Cloud Scheduler, everything working fine now. Thanks all!

answered a year ago

I created an rule with this condition below, after that I created an scheduled to reboot EC2 instances.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
profile picture
answered 3 months ago

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