Cannot import Pinpoint numbers to Amazon Connect: CLI command does not exist


I am trying to follow this instruction to import my AWS Pinpoint SMS number to Amazon Connect: However, I am stuck at Step 2.10:

  • In the Import Phone Number to Amazon Connect window: For the Incoming messages destination drop down choose the Amazon Connect instance that will receive incoming messages,

this step does not work because in my Pinpoint console, I cannot see the "Phone Number to Amazon Connect window".

I also found a CLI command "import-phone-number" for Amazon Connect in the CLI reference:, however in my CLI tool (already the latest version) the command does not exist:

Invalid choice: 'import-phone-number', maybe you meant:
  * list-phone-numbers
  * claim-phone-number

Same for API: When I send API calls with boto3, the attribute cannot be found (all the other API calls work perfectly).

Does anyone know if these documentation / CLI / API are outdated or not? Does it mean Pinpoint no longer supports importing numbers to Amazon Connect??

Thank you!


3 Answers

The step 2.10 should have worked. Quick questions:

  1. Is Pinpoint and Amazon Connect Instance in the same Region and AWS Account? It could be the Amazon Connect is in a different region.
  2. Outside Pinpoint, do you have access to Amazon Connect Service in AWS Console? It could be you don't have access to Amazon Connect service and your AWS admin you can provide this access.

If above doesn't help then I would recommend to open a AWS Support ticket for this issue.

answered a year ago
  • Thank you for replying! Do you know where can I find the "Import Phone Number to Amazon Connect window"? I have successfully enabled two-way SMS for my pool (with Destination Type = Amazon Connect), and added an IAM role. But there is nowhere to find that window. Also, I have verified that both my Pinpoint pool and my Connect instance are in us-east-1 region. And I have access to both services in AWS console.

    What makes it more strange is that in both the CLI and the API method for Amazon Connect, the "import phone number" is completely missing. It should be nothing to do with my permission right..? All the other API functionalities for Amazon Connect works perfectly.

  • Follow this steps to find "Import Phone Number to Amazon Connect window"

    Step 1: Go to Amazon Pinpoint SMS service in AWS Console Step 2: On left hand side, click on the 3 lines to open the list and click on phone numbers Step 3: Click and open the Phone number you plan to import Step 4: Scroll to the bottom, by default you will be on "Two-way SMS" tab, click on "Edit settings" Step 5: Select "Amazon Connect" and IAM role and then click on "Save Changes" Step 6: Now you would have reached the desired "Import Phone Number to Amazon Connect window"


can you verify that your IAM role has the necessary permissions to import phone numbers into Amazon Connect? The role should have policies that allow actions like connect:ImportPhoneNumber or connect:ListPhoneNumbers.

profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Thank you for replying! I am logged into an EC2 using a role with admin access (AdministratorAccess). The command "list-phone-numbers" works perfectly for me. Looks like the issue of "import-phone-numbers" is nothing do to with my access, since the error message is that the command does not exist, which is super weird..

    Are you able to see this command in your AWS CLI tool? "aws connect import-phone-number"


I am facing the same exact issue.

-I successfully followed the steps VIKAS P has mentioned with an agent and it didn't work, the pinpoint SMS number did not get imported into Amazon Connect

  • I made sure both (Connect and Pinpoint) are on the same time zone -I made sure I have all the correct roles set in I AM

If anyone here solved this issue please share as I've been stuck on this for almost 3 weeks :\

answered 7 months ago

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