Cannot Connect MySQL Workbench to RDS


I had a connection that previously worked fine that I have not used in some time. My internet service provider uses Dynamic IP's, so I have to continually update Inbound Routes. I now cannot get connected using any method including Boto3 or MySQL Workbench. I have added my current IP to the Inbound Routes as well as the CIDR range of XX.XX.00.00/32. I have also tried to allow all traffic from all IP addresses. I have set up Security Groups, tied them to my RDS VPC and made my database publicly available on all IPs. My database is up and Available. I suspect there is a problem with either the VPC being properly connected to subnet routes or Internet Gateway, but I will never figure that out with the AWS documentation. I have spent an entire day on this. On a related topic, the system has created a number of Security Groups for Sagemaker, Amplify, EC2 and other services I have tried. I am concerned that perhaps some of these are causing conflicts - I cannot delete even though I have not used the service and deleted the applications.

asked a year ago508 views
2 Answers


Is RDS launched in a public subnet and has public access enabled?
If public access is enabled, you can check the global IP address by resolving the name of the RDS endpoint.

As an aside, it is not good security to place RDS directly in a public subnet.
Therefore, we recommend accessing using Session Manager's port forwarding function, etc., as shown in the document below.

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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

To answer your last point first, new security groups won't interfere like you suggest, i.e. they won't close a port that was previously open (it's the other way round - the only change they can make is to open a port that was previously closed).

@Riku's point about not having the RDS database in a publiuc subnet is very good advice. The RDS instance wil be running in a subnet group, and if it needs to be accessible from the internet then every subnet that makes up that subnet group must have a route to the internet gateway in its routing table

It may be useful here to use Reachability Analyser

Be aware that this isn't free, it's about 10c per use -see the Network Analysis tab of

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answered a year ago

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