AWS Workdocs drive crashes on Mac M1


I get the error in the Mac console:

failed to load/rebuild extensions: Incompatible architecture: Binary is for x86_64, but needed arch arm64e Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load Kext com.Amazon.WorkDocs.Drive.kext.osxfuse v303.8.3 in executable kext bundle com.Amazon.WorkDocs.Drive.kext.osxfuse at /Library/Filesystems/AmazonWorkDocs.fs/Contents/Extensions/10.16/osxfuse.kext Unsupported Error: one or more extensions are unsupported to load Kext com.Amazon.WorkDocs.Drive.kext.osxfuse v303.8.3 in executable kext bundle com.Amazon.WorkDocs.Drive.kext.osxfuse at /Library/Filesystems/AmazonWorkDocs.fs/Contents/Extensions/10.16/osxfuse.kext

Are there any plans to get an ARM version?

asked 3 years ago1.9K views
6 Answers

This has been an issue since the M1s came out -- which was not so recently at this point -- and there has been zero response from Amazon, other than admitting that the software is incompatible with any modern Mac.

Folks on the old forum have asked repeatedly if there are any plans to resolve the issue and have gotten crickets. It's a thumb in the eye to Mac users, but what do you expect?

answered 3 years ago
  • Crazy isn’t it?! Our whole company uses Apple products and are heavy into AWS services. You would think since now they have M1 virtual machines that they would have plans for the office services to port over.


I agree with Subtle Matter here, it's been more than a year and a half since the release of M1 chips, and we haven't been able to see any answer from Amazon as to when or if they plan to release a version for M1. This is really a bummer for us (100% apple product) and Apple from now on only sells M1.

answered 3 years ago
Accepted Answer

Today I tried downloading and installing the latest version and it's working. Wondering what will happen with the next update of Ventura?

answered 2 years ago
profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • Does not work with MacOS 13.0 (22A379) Ventura

    Get the following error during setup:

    Last login: Wed Oct 19 21:33:00 on ttys000 /Applications/WorkDocs\\ Drive ; exit;
    ######## ~ % /Applications/WorkDocs\\ Drive ; exit; dyld[1854]: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/CHIP.framework/Versions/A/CHIP Referenced from: <0AFFE028-D1BE-3C34-95FB-E61F2D0C40AB> /Applications/WorkDocs Drive Reason: tried: '/System/Library/Frameworks/CHIP.framework/Versions/A/CHIP' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/System/Library/Frameworks/CHIP.framework/Versions/A/CHIP' (no such file), '/System/Library/Frameworks/CHIP.framework/Versions/A/CHIP' (no such file, not in dyld cache) zsh: abort /Applications/WorkDocs\\ Drive

    Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed.

    [Process completed]

  • I am getting this exact same issue, weirdly it worked on my M1 ultra MBP until I updated to Ventura


You may find this page useful.

Installing Amazon WorkDocs Drive

Amazon WorkDocs Drive isn’t supported on Apple silicon products.

answered 3 years ago

You can find both MacOS versions from:

To check which processor your Mac is using, select About This Mac from the Apple menu  in the corner of your screen. For example, you might have an "Intel Core i7".

I have found that rebooting whenever the contents of "Amazon WorkDocs Drive" in the users home directory is empty. Rebooting the Mac seems to help ensure the folder is mounted. You can also check to make sure the mounted disk space is not zero bytes (i.e.: 0Bi) using the df -h command from a terminal window.

answered 2 years ago

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