unable to connect to VPN in linux OS on django app on amazon lightsail


I'm trying to create an app using AWS lightsail: I need to connect this app to a VPN so I can use it to tunnel my requests from another platform to an API that can only accessed via a VPN. I have set up the vpn on the platform using the linked guide here https://support.strongvpn.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003513553-PPTP-Setup-Debian-Ubuntu-Mint-Command-Line

On running sudo pon MYVPN I was prompted to run sudo mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0, after trying to connect to the vpn again the error I get back is :

Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No such device or address /usr/sbin/pppd: Please load the ppp_generic kernel module.

I have looked online but can't seem to find any solutions to this that have worked. Can anyone assist?

1 Answer

I have no specific experience with the VPN you're trying to use, but based on the message, try running the following command as root ...

modprobe ppp_generic

... then try to re-establish your VPN connection.

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David G
answered 3 years ago

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