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Best Services for IoT (Raspberry Pi) Software Deployment, Updates, Error Messages, Maintenance etc.


Hi there, I am working for a project where we want to run python scripts that perform sensor readings, and ML inference on edge. Every now and then, we would like to update the software of these edge devices (add/remove/update scripts and files such as machine learning model checkpoints, update the device OS etc.). Moreover, we would like to monitor the status of each device to check if everything is still running smoothly (e.g. the python inference script hasn't crashed). Maybe the device could even revert back to the old software if the updated software doesn't work.

I know these are a lot of aspects but I would be very happy if anyone could give me some starting points.

1 Answer


the easiest way to start with what you are trying to achieve is to use AWS IoT Greengrass [1]. This service allows you to manage device software lifecycle remotely including software configuration, ML models, etc. Greengrass provides several managed components [2] to perform much of the undifferentiated heavy lifting that are needed in managing software at the edge. You can also benefit from community contributed components, among others a Jupyter Labs component [4] that allows you to interactively develop the edge logic. For hands-on learning you can check this workshop [5]

For more information you can check:






answered 2 years ago

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