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Error in CodeBuild: VPC_CLIENT_ERROR: Unexpected EC2 error: error while getting DHCP options for VPC



We are getting the following error in all our CodePipelines in the provisioning phase of CodeBuild: VPC_CLIENT_ERROR: Unexpected EC2 error: error while getting DHCP options for VPC

CodeBuilds are accessing VPC and private subnets. We have checked that all the settings of security group, VPC, subnets and permissions should be correct. At least to my best knowledge there has not been any changes in our settings or environment.

This problem started suddenly. Pipelines have been working before.

asked 2 years ago435 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


the reason was obvious. One of the developers had removed DHCP option set from the VPC for unknown reason.

answered 2 years ago

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