Getting API Error in Ohio and N. Carolina


I am not able access my resource in two regions and I ma getting API error for emarly any operation. Enter image description here What is the reason?

asked a year ago314 views
1 Answer


This can be caused by a few things, but primarily revolves around access denied or active event.

You can check for active events by checking the Service Health Dashboard

If it is a permissions issue it is likely IAM policy [1] or SCP related. If possible (if you have access), a good way to troubleshoot this is to go to your CloudWatch console event history. Here you may filter recent events to EventSource "". The API calls from your screenshot will be listed there with their error messages. As an example, one of the API calls is likely "DescribeInstances". If this event error message is AccessDenied, consult your AWS administrator or check your user/role IAM policies and SCPs in your Organizational Unit if you are in an organization. If you are unable to view CloudTrail events either, it is likely a regional Deny policy being applied to either your IAM user/role or the OU.

[1] [2]

answered a year ago

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