Amazon Q not providing help


Now a days, amazon Q replies "Sorry, I can't answer your question because my response could contain advice related to security or compliance" for most of the questions.

I am asking a simple generic questions . How to overcome it?

Eg: one of the question i asked was "how to to WAF to protect s3"

asked 6 months ago698 views
2 Answers


DId you try to leverage Q topic control to solve your issue ? In your case, you should try to use it to unblock answers in specific areas.




profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

Hi, this is the behavior when asking security related questions to Amazon Q Developer in the AWS Management Console. Sounds like you tried this in the management console.

This is the response from Q:

"Sorry, I can't answer your question because my response could contain advice related to security or compliance. As these topics are sensitive, I didn't generate an answer. I recommend reviewing the following links or consulting with AWS Support for guidance."

answered 5 months ago

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