ExpressLink ESP board update loop


I have two ESP Expresslink boards and have never managed to get either connected to AWS. I do not use Arduino or STM32s so most of the documentation is virtually useless.

I have finally got back to looking at them again and both are stuck "Waiting for MQTT agent to be connected." as they attempt to complete an update. They are both running FW 1.0.20 so definitely need updating.

How to do I recover them?

asked a year ago268 views
3 Answers

Hi. It's not clear what you have or haven't done in the past to try to get this connected. Have you followed the steps here?

You need to get it connected so that the update can occur.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
Accepted Answer

I took another approach and thought like a hardware engineer, I made a direct physical connection via the UART to the MCU and flashed the firmware that way.

answered a year ago

Hi, to extend what Greg said, can you please try upgrading the board using OTW?

If you face issues with that, or if you are still not able to connect after upgrading to the latest release, please provide additional logs here and we would be able to help you out better.

Dhaval Gujar (Espressif)

answered a year ago

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