We could not create your Notebook: Failed to fetch



I've followed the complete instructions from scratch to create a channel/pipeline/datastore/dataset and a Jupyter Notebook. However, I cannot achieve that last step. I can see the data in my dataset and I'm pretty sure that the roles are ok with the right permissions. I can create a notebook instance but when creating a new notebook in IoT Analytics referencing my dataset and my notebook instance, I keep having this error: We could not create your Notebook: Failed to fetch. I'm a bit lost since there is no more info... My SageMaker role has the GetDatasetContent inline policy so this should be good.

In the sagemaker log, I can see errors like:
[ W 13:20:14.963 NotebookApp ] 404 GET /api/contents/IoTAnalytics?content=0 (10.0.0.XX) 1.62ms referer=None
[ W 13:20:14.999 NotebookApp ] '_xsrf' argument missing from POST
[ W 13:20:14.999 NotebookApp ] 403 PUT /api/contents/IoTAnalytics (10.0.0.XX) 1.72ms referer=None
[W 13:20:14.963 NotebookApp] 404 GET /api/contents/IoTAnalytics?content=0 (10.0.0.XX) 1.62ms referer=None
[I 13:20:35.717 NotebookApp] 302 GET / (10.0.0.ZZ) 0.67ms

Thanks everyone for the help!

The guide that I am following:

asked 5 years ago1734 views
4 Answers

hello - Could you try this again and let us know if it fails? There were intermittent errors with resolution of some AWS DNS names on Oct 23 which may have caused this failure.


answered 5 years ago

Still the same error (see image attached). Any other idea what can cause this? Thanks a lot!


answered 5 years ago

Hi Vincent,

If you STOP the notebook instance, then START it again (you can do all this from the IoT Analytics Console in the Notebook menu), when the instance is up and running (which may take 5 to 10 minutes) you should find the temporary issue you were encountering has now been resolved.

You should also now find that any new notebook instances that you create are also working as expected.

Hope this gets you up and running again,


answered 5 years ago

Oh nice, it's working now. Thanks a lot Roger and have a nice day!

Bonjour from Quebec City!


answered 5 years ago

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