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unable to change krbtgt password in Simple Directory Service


I was notified that I need to rotate my krbtgt password. When attempting to do so following the guidance provided by AWS here:

My problem: The Admin user in my domain doesn't have domain admin permissions. Per the Simple Directory Service user guide, this should have been provisioned when the directory was created. How do I get domain admin permissions so that I can change the krbtgt password? If that's not possible, how do I reset this password?

Thanks so much for any guidance you can provide.

asked a month ago48 views
1 Answer

Are you using the correct built in administrator account and not a newly created admin user?

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answered a month ago
  • I do not have the password to the Administrator account, and when I attempt to reset it, I get access denied (I've tried the Console as well as the CLI...and I am in the Admin group in the AWS account). If you know of a way to reset it, I sure would appreciate it.

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