Can we connect cloudfront distribution URL over Direct connect public VIF


Can you please help to understand if we have Public and Private VIF both for Direct connect and user is accessing Cloudfront Distribution DNS from on premise. Will traffic hops over Public VIF or internet. Some document also mentioned that Public VIF allows for AWS public IP service with amazon domain but cloud front distribution has domain, So will the traffic uses Public VIF for cloudfront.

Thank you !

asked 3 days ago32 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


If you’re using AWS Direct Connect with both Public and Private VIFs, and you're accessing a CloudFront distribution from an on-premises location, the traffic will not route over the Direct Connect Public VIF.

Here’s why:

1.CloudFront Edge Locations use public IPs, but they belong to the CloudFront service (* domain), not AWS public services that typically use Direct Cannect’s Public VIF (like S3, EC2, etc.).

2.The Public VIF connects your on-premises network to AWS services that have public IPs within the AWS global network. However, CloudFront distributions are served from a global network of edge locations, not directly within the AWS backbone, so traffic to CloudFront will still go over the internet rather than through the Public VIF.

3.Even though CloudFront IPs are listed in the AWS CloudFront IP range, they are designed to handle content delivery over the public internet.

So, traffic to CloudFront from your on-premises environment will hop over the internet, not the Public VIF.

For more information, check out this AWS CloudFront documentation: Locations of Edge Servers

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