Global accelerator and traffic redirection across regions


We have a load balancer serving traffic on us-east-1 region. In order to improve latency for european users, I was thinking to use Global Accelerator anycast and create another load balancer in one European regio (e.g. eu-central). In order to save costs, I would like not to duplicate the infrastructure in the new region, basically I want to redirect traffic from the european load balancer to the machines running in us-east-1. I would like to clarify the following points:

  1. Does it make sense to use the Global Accelerator in such scenario? My reasoning is that using anycast a european user will be redirected to an AWS entrypoint closer to its location and from that point it is inside the AWS backbone (which should be faster than reaching the US entrypoint via normal internet).
  2. Is it possible to redirect traffic from a load balancer in one region to machines (target group) in another region?
1 Answer

I would look at doing it without the extra load balancer. Although you're not leveraging the failover benefits of GA you still reduce routing over public internet which leads to inconsistent performance, and improve DDoS protection. AWS claim up to 60% improved performance. You can check to see what performance improvement you would get from your location.

answered a year ago

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