Elasticache redis Upgrade from 6.0 to 6.2 | Cache loss


I have recently upgraded my elasticache cluster with single node from 6.0 to 6.2 engine version and I have lost all keys stored during this upgrade. Please let me why this happened?

asked 2 years ago948 views
2 Answers

Quoting from AWS documentation "The Amazon ElastiCache for Redis engine upgrade process is designed to make a best effort to retain your existing data and requires successful Redis replication." Since you had a single node you can expect data loss


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answered 2 years ago

Two Questions -

  1. What is the process you used for upgrading EC Redis? are you running in Cluster mode disabled/enabled? do you have any replicas?
  2. What instance type are you using? Did instance change instance type during upgrade?
profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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