MQTT Shared Subscriptions support in IoT Core


Are there plans to support MQTT Shared Subscriptions for IoT Core? They are part of MQTT5 but AWS documentation state that they are not currently supported. ( is there anywhere we can find the IoT Core roadmap? Thanks!

asked 2 years ago404 views
1 Answer


Thank you for reaching out. My name is Tom from AWS Support Team.

I see that you would like to know if there is a shared roadmap for IoT Core features coming soon, especially regarding MQTT Shared Subscription support.

There is currently no published roadmap at this stage since new features for IoT Core require rigorous testing and troubleshooting before these can be made available, to ensure compatibility and safety for end users. It is for this reason that we do not have a definitive timeline or roadmaps on IoT Core development.

I would recommend following on this page to see the newest update related to IoT Core service:

Thank you for interest in IoT Core service. I hope the above information helps. Have a nice day.

answered a year ago

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