AppMesh vs VPC Lattice


Do we have any recommendation/decision flow to choose between AppMesh and VPC lattice for service mesh capabilities?

asked a year ago3709 views
1 Answer

App Mesh is best suited for ECS, EKS, and EC2 customers who run workloads across different orchestrators and need client-side service mesh functionality, such as traffic resiliency controls (retries, timeouts, connection pooling) and mTLS. App Mesh customers do not mind added complexity of configuration and client-side proxy management implemented as Envoy-based side-cars/proxies.

VPC Lattice is ideal for customers who want to automate connecting micro-services that are distributed across a mix of Kubernetes, native EC2/ASG, and serverless environments (Lambda and Fargate). Additionally, VPC Lattice is best suited to customers who prefer the automation of service discovery, traffic-management, authentication, authorization, and observability across VPCs and accounts without having to deploy and operate sidecar-based service-meshes and also prefer not requiring any prior VPC networking experience in deploying their modern application architectures.

Please reach out to your account team to set up a call to discuss further.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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