One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource


Yesterday after removing an S3 with a static website and route53 CNAME's, I get "One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource" when trying to put any of the previously used domain or subdomain on a cloudfront. I checked route53, cloudfront, api gateway, s3, and these domains and subdomains aren't used.

How can I contact aws support? is it paid now?


aws cloudfront list-conflicting-aliases gives me:

  • "DistributionId": "*******RF5L25L",
  • "AccountId": "******002396"

These are not a distribution or account of mine!

(Subdomains are working well)

asked a month ago56 views
1 Answer

That error means the DNS name is already configured for another CloudFront distribution. It might be in a different AWS account. Each name configured for a CloudFront distribution must be globally unique to that distribution.

First make sure you've associated a TLS certificate with your distribution for the name (or a wildcard that covers it) you want to configure as its alias. Then use the CLI command aws cloudfront list-conflicting-aliases --distribution-id <id-of-your-distribution> --alias <dns-name-you-want> ( to find partial IDs of the AWS account and the CloudFront distribution that is using the conflicting name.

Leo K
answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Thank you! I updated the answer, conflicting DistributionId & AccountId are not mine!

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