Nice DCV 64GB Nvidia A16 GPU dcvgldiag I get error.


Nvidia A16 64 GB 4 Physical GPU available. I get error in Nice DCV dcv dcv.conf gl-displays = [':0.0', ':0.1', ':0.2', ':0.3'] dcvgldiag. How can I overcome this Problem. There is no problem when gl-displays = [':0.0.'].

ERROR (1/4)

DCV cannot access the 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1 :0.2 :0.3].

Please, stop the 3D X Server and disable DCV with 'dcvgladmin disable'. Then enable DCV with 'dcvgladmin enable' and restart the 3D X Server.

ERROR (2/4)

The 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1 :0.2 :0.3] does not support the GLX extension

Please, check your X server configuration and restart it.

ERROR (3/4)

The 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1 :0.2 :0.3] does not run with depth 24

Please, check your X server configuration and restart it.

ERROR (4/4)

The 3D X Server [:0.0 :0.1 :0.2 :0.3] is not using the NVIDIA driver

Please, check the 3D X Server is correctly setup to use the NVIDIA driver


The X server configuration does not contain the "UseDisplayDevice" "none" option. Ignore this warning if a monitor is connected to the video card adapter.

In case there is no monitor connected to the video card adapter associated to DISPLAY=:0.1, you may need to add the "UseDisplayDevice" "none" option to the appropriate "Device" section (of the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file.


The X server configuration does not contain the "UseDisplayDevice" "none" option. Ignore this warning if a monitor is connected to the video card adapter.

In case there is no monitor connected to the video card adapter associated to DISPLAY=:0.2, you may need to add the "UseDisplayDevice" "none" option to the appropriate "Device" section (of the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file.


The X server configuration does not contain the "UseDisplayDevice" "none" option. Ignore this warning if a monitor is connected to the video card adapter.

In case there is no monitor connected to the video card adapter associated to DISPLAY=:0.3, you may need to add the "UseDisplayDevice" "none" option to the appropriate "Device" section (of the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file.

asked a year ago378 views
1 Answer

Hey there, thank you for the question. It looks like there is an issue with your xorg.conf. A good next step is to have nvidia-xconfig generate the xorg for you. You can find the steps on how to do this in this DCV documentation. Do let us know if that solves your issue.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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