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Why are my files uploaded via sFTP not visible via internet browser?


Hi, I recently came from a full-service website host.

I am used to uploading my files to sFTP (eg. photos or webpages) and being able to view them immediately at etc.

Although I have uploaded the files via sFTP, I cannot view them. The lightsail instance is wordpress and all requests get directed to the wordpress front page.

Any ideas?

  • the directory is in htdocs. I assumed all htdocs content is public. I created a folder in htdocs called 'stage'. (exact directory bitnami/apache2/htdocs/stage). i expected to be able to view all content uploaded to the stage folder under normally i would previously upload with sFTP, copy URL and then paste it in my web browser.

    all web browser requests on sends me to the homepage of the wordpress installation

3 Answers


Are you getting any errors when trying to display images?
Also, is the directory where you uploaded the images correct?
What are the permissions of the image file?
You can check the permissions of the image file by SSHing into Lightsail and using the following command.

ls -la
profile picture
answered a year ago
  • the directory is in htdocs. I assumed all htdocs content is public. I created a folder in htdocs called 'stage'. (exact directory bitnami/apache2/htdocs/stage). i expected to be able to view all content uploaded to the stage folder under normally i would previously upload with sFTP, copy URL and then paste it in my web browser.

    all web browser requests on sends me to the homepage of the wordpress installation

  • thank you for your reply. There are access logs and error logs in the directory below, so please check to see if any errors occurred during the time the image was displayed.


    Also, try changing the permissions with the following command after uploading the image.

    sudo chmod 755 bitnami/apache2/htdocs/stage/example.jpeg
    sudo chown bitnami:daemon bitnami/apache2/htdocs/stage/example.jpeg

    You can SSH to Lightsail by following the steps in the document below.


the directory is in htdocs. I assumed all htdocs content is public. I created a folder in htdocs called 'stage'. (exact directory bitnami/apache2/htdocs/stage). i expected to be able to view all content uploaded to the stage folder under normally i would previously upload with sFTP, copy URL and then paste it in my web browser.

all web browser requests on sends me to the homepage of the wordpress installation

answered a year ago

I hope my response makes sense?

answered a year ago

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