EC2 Ubuntu Instances showing Instance status checks: Instance reachability check failed


Hi there,

My EC2 Ubuntu Instances showing "Instance status checks: Instance reachability check failed"

I tried to stop and restart many times but it's always showing the same status check.

And when i download System Log, it have this line only (many times):

"A start job is running for Load AppArmor profiles (57s / no limit)"

Any help will be highly appreciated.

asked 24 days ago42 views
2 Answers

Hi Sanjeev,

It looks like the OS is getting stuck during the boot process. Normally it can be resolved by going in recovery mode, but with EC2 that may not be an option.

Is there any important / critical data on it? If yes, detach the EBS volume and attach it to a different instance to recover the data. If not, then it might be better to just terminate the instance and launch a new one.

Hope this helps.

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answered 24 days ago
  • Thanks for your reply, I can try this but before i would like to recover the existing instance.



Sometimes, insufficient memory can also affect the boot process. Change the instance type with more memory and start the instances again.

Also try to disable AppArmor using userdata script.

profile picture
answered 24 days ago
  • Thanks for your inputs Praveen, i tried to disable AppArmor with User Data and also update instance type with more memory but no luck, its showing same AppArmor issue.

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