Cannot run AFI on F1 instance


Hi there,

I followed all the steps in the guideline provided by Xilinx and tried to run AFI on F1 instance (I followed

When I ran ./<project_name.exe> <awsxclbin_file> , I first received

Segmentation fault (core dumped) error.

And for all runs after it, I received

\[XRT] ERROR: unable to issue xclExecBuf

../src/host.cpp:103 Error calling cl::Program program(context, devices, bins, NULL, &err), error code is: -6

Any help is appreciated!

asked 5 years ago402 views
5 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello, by any chance have you tried clearing/resetting the FPGA with the 'fpga-clear-local-image' command, then rerunning the executable to reload it?

The tutorial mentioned just runs the host executable, so there shouldn't be a need to add the *.awsxclbin as an argument as it should be pulled in by the host code.

answered 5 years ago

Another thing to note while clearing the slot is that you will have to restart the mpd service after doing that.

sudo systemctl restart mpd

This lets XRT load the default AFI to be able to bind the XOCL driver to the correct device ID.


answered 5 years ago

When I ran this command, it gives an error.

answered 5 years ago

It needed the .awsxclbin, otherwise, it throws an error.

answered 5 years ago

We use Amazon FPGA Image (AFI) for the binary that is loaded on the FPGA.
It is the compiled FPGA code that is loaded into an FPGA in AWS for performing the Custom Logic (CL) function created by the developer. AFIs are maintained by AWS according and associated with the AWS account that created them. The AFI includes the CL and AWS FPGA Shell. An AFI ID is used to reference a particular AFI from an F1 instance.
An awsxclbin includes the AFI which makes it different from xclbin. Here is the step where it is created documented in our end-to-end guide:

answered 5 years ago

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