Using AS-Path attribute to influence routing over multiple regions


We have standard approach to influence routing using AS-Path. I could see we are unable to do on AWS and when we have connection homed in different regions. Is there a way we can use AS-Path to influence traffic instead of any other best path selection algorithm?

4 Answers
Accepted Answer

From AWS Doc: When you have multiple virtual interfaces in the same associated Region, you can set the AS_PATH attribute to prioritize which interface AWS uses to route traffic. However, AS_PATH prepending doesn’t work when the Direct Connect connections are in different associated AWS Regions than the VPC.

However you can use AS-Path as your primary best path selection algorithm firstly by setting equal preference with Local preference BGP communities values e.g. (7200:100) on all the connections(VIFs). Which leads to tie in path selection hence AS-Path can be evaluated as a tie breaker. By also advertising your prefixes with different AS-Path length will influence traffic flow from AWS based on AS-Path.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

Hi khanakee, So if I correctly understood this is that if I set the same BGP local preference community across all the VIFs, then I can use AS-Path to influence how routing takes place from AWS side. Is that correct?

answered a year ago
  • Hello Imran, yes that is correct


The best practice from AWS when it comes to multi-region traffic engineering is to use communities. This article goes into the same scenario you described also look at

answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

On the multi region with direct connect usage u need to use :

  • Local preference ,
  • bgp communities to influence routing
answered a year ago

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