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Resource based hostname not available when launching instance


I want to use resource-based naming for a new EC2 instance. When launching the instance, "Hostname type" is set to "IP name" and cannot be changed.

Hostname type configuration


The EC2 instance guest OS hostname type depends on the subnet settings:

  • If the instance is launched into an IPv4-only subnet, you can select either IP name or resource name.
  • If the instance is launched into a dual-stack (IPv4+IPv6) subnet, you can select either IP name or resource name.
  • If the instance is launched into an IPv6-only subnet, resource name is used automatically.

My VPC is dual-stack:

VPC and subnet settings

Can anyone explain why this is?

asked 12 days ago43 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


When selecting the subnet when starting EC2, you can select the host name by selecting the exact subnet ID to start with instead of "No preference".


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answered 12 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago

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