Multicast in Outposts through Transit Gateway or Local Gateway


A customer in the telco industry wants to leverage Outposts for multicast applications. Questions:

  1. Transit Gateway now supports multicast. Will it work for Outposts as well when Direct Connect or site-to-site VPN is in between Outposts and region?
  2. Even if #1 is possible, traffic goes back to the region. Is it possible to leverage Local Gateway (LGW) for multicast in Outposts and customer's local network?
asked 5 years ago1.2K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Multicast support in VPC/TGW today is only support where the source and destination are in VPC boundaries. It is not possible to send multicast traffic across Direct Connect, VPN or Local Gateways.

If customers wish to bring multicast traffic into a VPC (Outposts or hosted in a region) they need to build an overlay network to do that.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 years ago

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