Running R on AWS troubleshooting.


I have tried following the instructions here to set up RStudio Server on AWS, but I can't connect to RStudio in my browser (Firefox says it is "unable to connect"). Strangely, I can connect to shiny server, although the shiny apps don't load.

One specific question I have is why are the lines
rm rstudio-server-rhel-1.0.153-x86_64.rpm
rm shiny-server-
included in the install script? Doesn't this remove the packages?

I've tried troubleshooting this for a while, but haven't made any progress. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

asked 3 years ago536 views
1 Answer

Figured it out.

rm lines were to remove package installers only. Needed to use "sudo amazon-linux-extras install R4" instead of "yum install -y R". To properly install R on the new AMIs.

answered 3 years ago

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