Implementation SUSE Linux 15 SP2


Hello, I am unabeleto find the AMI for SUSE Linux 15 SP2. Kindly help

asked 2 years ago356 views
2 Answers

To find the AMI for SUSE Linux 15 SP2, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Visit the AWS Management Console:
  2. Sign in to your AWS account.
  3. Open the EC2 service.
  4. Click on "Launch Instance" to start the instance creation process.
  5. In the "Choose AMI" step, click on "Community AMIs" or "AWS Marketplace" depending on where the AMI is listed.
  6. Use the search bar or filters to find the SUSE Linux 15 SP2 AMI.
  7. Select the desired AMI and proceed with the instance creation process as usual.

You could also go to EC2-> Ami Catalog -> Search for ami.

answered a year ago


There's a link to an FAQ on the SLES 15 Marketplace [page] that includes information on in place upgrades. The answer in that section of the FAQ takes you here. That guide walks through online and offline upgrades using either zypper or YaST, coming from 11, 12, and leap. Since that Marketplace AMI is SLES 15 GA, this is likely your best option w/out building a custom AMI.

This is assuming you're not using SLES for SAP.

Hope that helps!

answered 2 years ago

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